Mastering the Art of Bidding in Spades: A Comprehensive Guide for Players

If you want to become a great spades player, then you’ll need to understand the art of bidding. While it’s not the only factor that’ll determine the strength of your gameplay, it’s absolutely one of the biggest. A player who doesn’t know how to bid correctly will be putting themselves at a serious disadvantage before the game has properly gotten underway.
There’s much to learn about bidding, a skill that you’ll naturally acquire by playing as often as you can. To increase your experience and expertise, look at playing regularly at Games are completely free of charge, and you can choose from a variety of playing levels, from ‘easy’ to ‘expert.’
Need some extra guidance? We’ve put together some handy bidding tips below.
Understanding the Basics: How to Bid in Spades
Smart bidding can win you the game; poor bidding can cost you the game, even if you have what should have been a strong hand.
Bidding involves outlining how many tricks you think you’ll win during the thirteen rounds. Each correct trick is worth ten points. For instance, if you bid six tricks and win six, then you’ll get 60 points. Any tricks over the number you bid are awarded one point (for example: if you bid six and win eight, then you’ll get 62 points). Note that landing yourself too many overtricks can be costly — if you acquire ten, then you’ll receive a ‘bag,’ which results in a deduction of 100 points!
You’ll lose points, usually ten per underbag, if you fail to reach the number of tricks in your bid. For example, if you bid six and only win four, you’ll receive a deduction of 20 points.
You and your partner will be bid separately, but your bid amounts will be combined. For example, if you bid 5 and your partner bids 3, then you’ll need to collectively reach eight tricks.
The Art of Betting: How to Bet in Spades
OK, so now you have a sense of how bidding works, let’s take a look at a step-by-step guide on how you should do it.
Take a Look At Your Hand
You’ll be able to look at your hand before you make your bid. You’ll need to have a good idea of the card rankings to understand the strength of your hand. If you have plenty of high-ranking spade cards, then you’ll have a good hand.
Make Your Bid
You’ll make your bid based on how many tricks you’ll win. Think you have six cards that have a realistic chance of success? Bid six.
Master the Game: Comprehensive Guide to Bidding in Spades
The best players take the time to really analyze the strength (or weakness) of their hands. Finding the right bid is about striking a balance between risk and reward; in other words, finding the right bid amount relative to their hand. That takes time and experience.
You can learn a lot about bidding by playing around when you first start playing. Playing against a computer, such as at, is recommended since those games are fast and pressure-free, allowing you to figure out bidding in a safe space.
Avoid Common Mistakes: How to Bid Correctly in Spades
It takes time to figure out how to bid correctly. Newcomers typically lose their games purely because they haven’t yet learned how to bid properly. While it’s inevitable that you’ll make some mistakes when you first start playing (and that’s fine — mistakes are part of the learning process!), you can minimize your errors by keeping the following tips in mind.
Don’t Play Aggressively
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that your cards are better than they are. While you might have a few high-ranking cards, it’s best not to get too ahead of yourself — you’ll need to have good supporting cards to have a good overall hand.
It’s best to look at the strength of every card in your hand and analyze its capacity for winning. If you see that only three have a realistic chance, then three should be your bid.
Or Too Safe
Playing too safe is arguably as bad as playing too aggressively. You won’t want to collect any bags, but you shouldn’t live in fear of it happening. It’s best to simply be realistic about the strength of your hand — while it’s OK to be a little cautious, remember that you’ll only win if you pick up points!
Don’t Assume Your Spades Will Win
Hands that contain spade cards are generally strong, but not automatically. Your two of Spades won’t necessarily win the trick if someone has a higher spade in their hand.
Strategies and Tips: How to Bid on Spades
Looking to get the most from your bids? Try the following two strategies:
Be Confident (When You Can)
Have a great hand? Be confident, and make a high bid. It’ll push you towards victory.
Communicate With Your Partner
Use your bid to signal to your partner how good (or poor) your hand is. It’ll help determine which of you needs to take the lead.
Decoding the Game: How to Bid Spades Like a Pro
As we said above, it can take time before you really feel like you’ve got a hang of the spades' bidding process. But it’s worthwhile making the effort to improve this part of your game — if you can do that, then you’ll be greatly enhancing your overall gameplay. It’s not an exaggeration to say that bidding expertise is what separates the ‘good’ players from the ‘great’ players.
You can reach that level in two ways: first, by playing regularly and learning how to feel the game. The best players have an intuitive feeling for what bid would make sense, but you can only acquire that skill through regular playing.
The other method is to learn from your mistakes. Spades is a complex game, and you will absolutely make errors when playing, especially during the first six months. It’s not the mistakes themselves that are the problem; the issue is when you fail to learn from them. If you’ve lost a game because you made poor bidding decisions, then spend some time figuring out why — it might just prevent you from losing a game in the future!
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